Sustainability and CO2 calculation
There is no Planet B. Calcola le emissioni legate ai tuoi trasporti e mostra i tuoi risultati di riduzione emissioni e di crescita aziendale. Cargoful ti permette di misurare i tuoi risultati e condividerli con clienti e stakeholder nella tua supply chain.

You can't improve what you don't measure
Measure your transportation emissions accurately and in detail, choosing from different calculation methodologies based on your role in the supply chain and available data. Decide what to monitor through user-friendly customizable dashboards and track your business trajectory.
Report your results
Share your emissions and their reduction over time with your customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Whether it's for an internal or external sustainability report, or to provide requested data, Cargoful enables you to have accurate calculations and automated reports.

Our sustainable development goals (SDGs)
Adopted by the United Nations and the core of the Agenda 2030, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a common commitment to building a more equitable society and a healthier planet by 2030. At Cargoful, we are aware of our active role in making a difference in two of these goals that serve as a true compass for us.

SDG 8 Decent work & economic work